How I Finally Found Relief from Psoriasis

Ayurveda Helps

Hi, I am Ananya from Nasik Maharashtra, aged 27 years old, working in an IT firm. Through my own story, I want to enlighten others who are struggling with Psoriasis. The red spot rolled out across my chest and arms, and flared up within six months. I was scared and had no idea what was happening to me. Don't know, if I had not been to Karma Ayurveda, then how terrible that rashes would have become. It's been three years that I have seen two dermatologists with three years of Psoriasis, but all of them said the same thing, they could do that much only. 

Psoriasis is a disease you can't simply cover up with a dress. Initially, I was hiding that terrible small spot, but later it got bigger, and it was quite difficult for me to keep it out of sight. Karma ayurveda reviews.

I have gone through the internet to figure it out, which says Psoriasis tends to come and go away on its own. But in my case, the skin condition flared up unexpectedly. At first, my mother & I visited the skin-care hospital. There I met a dermatologist who asked several questions like when it started.

He gave several lotions, creams, and medicines. The treatment started. The doctor says, "Come back to me, if it spreads further." The treatment went out well for two months, but again rashes spread, and condition got worsen. I rushed to the doctor, who said Psoriasis is a lifelong disease, and this is all they can do, and they had given all their efforts to treat the disease. 

Despite this, I still had faith in modern treatment. So, I approached the next skin-care specialist, who examined my previous health report. The doctors had given me oral, topical, or therapies, but it didn't work. I have had many rock-bottom moments since I was diagnosed with Psoriasis. 

The conditions were affecting other facets of life. As the irritating red rashes started to advance to my neck and face, the condition was divulged before my other colleagues. 

My social life was greatly impacted. Still, deep inside, I knew I had to learn to live with Psoriasis. Psoriasis not only brought discomfort in my social life but the place where I was working. I have had many rock-bottom moments since I was diagnosed with Psoriasis. 

Psoriasis affects social life resulting in psychological strain. It impacts my ability to perform activities the way I was doing it before openly. Everything changed my colleague's behavior towards me. I suffered a lot, but I had some close friends who motivated me in every sphere of my life. This time also they stand by me. 

One of my closest friends advised me to try another treatment option other than modern allopathic treatment. I thought that opting for Ayurveda would be a prudent approach since it is a treatment procedure used for ages to cure complex diseases. A ray of hope comes into my life. Ayurveda treatment has a cure. I did a probe on Google for the "best ayurveda hospital" to which I got Karma Ayurveda. 

I made an appointment with the doctor of Karma Ayurveda, and after that, I visited on a scheduled day. I displayed the past history of medical treatments I had before the Ayurveda doctor. After examining my condition thoroughly, the doctor provided some diet instructions. I underwent Ayurveda therapeutic procedure panchkarma for this. Gradually, I started getting outcomes the rashes usually disappear within two months. The change was the most phenomenal I have ever seen in my life. Not only the progression of the disease has stopped, but the trace of red bumps on my face disappeared. The hope I had with Karma Ayurveda has come fruitful. Psoriasis has been controlled with effective treatment. All you need is to emphasize your daily lifestyle and routine. Karma ayurveda feedback.

I strongly recommend Karma Ayurveda for psoriasis treatment.   

Also Read : From Dialysis to Recovery: My Journey with Karma Ayurveda


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