Karma Ayurveda: A Hospital That Gives Hope to Kidney Failure Patients


Hello everyone, this is Ashutosh from Delhi, and this is my short journey of my days with a zombie kidney. After my second transplant in 2021, I was very much exhausted from all the hospital appointments and medical interventions that I felt after getting diagnosed with stage 3 kidney failure. I wish I could get back my time and should have given some importance to my health which I underestimated during that time. Dr puneet dhawan karma ayurveda reviews.

All of this started with constant and forgiving problems like vomiting, nausea, swollen legs, ankles and arms, and severe back pain and all of this was making no sense to me. At first, I thought this was happening to me because I drank a lot of beer last night at a birthday party. 

But, my thinking was wrong; those were an indication of the potential threat heading towards my kidneys. I took some medications that gave me some relief, but I was still facing the constant hammering of physical complications. 

I then decided to stop consuming alcohol and junk food to get back on track. I hit a little stride that quickly got diluted with the amount of pain my body was fighting with. 

When I was not getting any improvement, I decided to consult a doctor so that there would be anything serious that could be controlled with routine diet and medication. 

The doctor suggested that I should go for some tests. When my test reports came indicating that my kidneys have stopped its proper functioning, and it is getting worse with every passing time. The doctor stated that I should go for dialysis, as that was the only escape window I may have at that time to tolerate all the unbearable pain. 

But I was not aware that dialysis will become a new chapter of pain and suffering in my life, which can be life-threatening. 

The doctor prescribed me with some medications and told me to follow a diet with low-protein. This torture went on for approximately a month or two I guess, but significant changes in my health were no visible and apparent. In fact, everything got worse. My health was somehow stable at that time. But my test reports showed a rift between my recovery and the disease. 

We gave it a last shot expecting that the symptoms can be controlled with diet and medicines, but we lost the battle. 

The doctor told me that we need to work on dialysis before it brings some other problems, such as stroke, heart disease, liver failure, and high blood pressure. Kidney failure will directly harm your natural defences, which will weaken my body’s ability to fight, even a mild cold can be life-threatening. 

The doctor told me that we should work on dialysis because the medicines were not showing any improvement. It allowed me to feel better, but that was not for very long. After a month, I started feeling weak because of the procedure of filtration and blood exchange. Sooner, I started developing infections in my body which created problems in dialysis. Then I found out that I have to go for a kidney transplant. 

I got my new kidneys transplanted, and it cost me approximately 20-25 lakhs! Only me and my family know how we arranged this money. But then we thought that health is more important than money. But even after everything I again started getting physical complications, and this time the pain was even more worse and also it lasted for a long period. The symptoms started coming back into my transplanted kidney. 

I talked to my friend about this and she told me about Ayurveda. At first I took this as a joke but she told me to go for a visit and if I did not understand then I can do anything I want. After a lot of discussion we went to a famous Ayurvedic hospital, Karma Ayurveda Hospital. Karma Ayurveda is a top-notch medical facility and gives comprehensive care to every patient. I must say that I underestimated the powers of Ayurveda after meeting Dr Puneet. 

Before going to the hospital I Googled about Ayurveda and gathered some interesting facts about Ayurveda and how it works on treating people. Google and also the doctors at Karma Ayurveda told me that ayurvedic treatment is a pure science of life and it only follows a holistic way of treatment. I also learned the importance of a well-maintained lifestyle and diet. 

After the visit I was sure that I would take treatment from Karma Ayurveda only, but it was also important for me to discuss it with my family. When I returned back I told my family about the discussion I have had with Dr Puneet and whether I should go back to dialysis or should give a last short with ayurvedic treatment. After some discussion we decided to take Ayurvedic treatment. 

The next day, I was at the hospital, where my lab reports underwent a detailed examination. I was referred to Dr. Puneet Dhawan Ji, who's a skilled ayurvedic renal expert and has assisted more than one lakh twenty thousand patients in his career. Meeting him had changed my life since then. I am still in the tutelage of Doctor Dhawan and being in his footsteps. He is a very compassionate and tenacious person at the same time. 

His character shines from the way he takes care of his patients. There is serenity on his face that gives you hope, you meet very few people in your life who inspire you, and he is one of them. 

He is a good listener and listens to what I went through, and he assured me that I would get better. He recommended a diet low in protein, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus, which meant only limited fruits and vegetables. Trust me, that was quite a tough time for me, but I thought it was because my life was at stake. Along with this, I was asked to limit my fluid intake. Karma ayurveda patient reviews.

This all went for a few weeks like this, and in a few days, I also decided to follow a regular exercise plan in my lifestyle. I decided to walk around 15 minutes daily, and this came out with flying colors. My lab report showed an improvement in the kidney function parameter after 35 days of the treatment. 

Ayurveda came to my life as a help. Not only my physical health, but my mental health has also improved. Apart from being the best healing system, Ayurvedic herbs are also undeniably good stress-busters. I wish all the best to Dr. Puneet Dhawan Ji; god bless you! Keep up the good work! 

Also read : Karma Ayurveda: A Life-Saving Hospital for Kidney Patients


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