Heartfelt Recovery: Overcoming Depression and Coronary Artery Disease with Karma Ayurveda

Do you know the feeling of loving something from all your heart and having to let it go? I know, and trust me, it is the worst feeling in the whole wide world. Nothing can be compared to this. If you don’t know how this feels, then I will pray that you don’t even get to know it. Karma ayurveda reviews.

I am a national-level Hockey player. I love sports. Since I was in 5th grade, I have had this constant knack for playing. I used to keep playing for hours and hours continuously without getting tired. My parents had to force me to study. I completely ignored my studies to play. My love for sports increased as I grew up and joined NASM, one of Asia’s best sports institutes. I learned about sports there and discovered that I love hockey more than anything. I started taking training for hockey from some of the best coaches. I used to spend hours and hours coaching, and on weekends, I used to go out for self-practice. I even had complete control of my diet and lifestyle. I never, not even for once, let anything or anybody come between me and my game. I knew this was what my career was going to be, and I had to make it big. I even played a lot of games on district and state levels. I even won the state championship. I applied for the national-level championship. I went for the selection round and got selected. 

But one day, something happened that changed my entire life. I was on my way to the stadium for a practice match. As soon as I reached the stadium, I noticed I had 30 missed calls from my mother, father, my best friend's father, and one of my friends.  I called my mother back and apologized for not answering the call, unaware of the storm ahead. My mother immediately started crying and told me something I was unprepared for. She told me my best friend had died. And at this moment, my whole world came crashing down. I left everything and immediately rushed to the hospital. There I saw my best friend for the last time. 

In the following days, I couldn’t even eat or drink anything. I couldn’t even sleep properly. Months passed by, and I was still unable to digest the fact that the one with whom I used to share every moment of my life was no more. My family and friends tried to change my mood; it had been months, and I hadn’t slept or eaten anything properly. I even lost a lot of weight. My appetite started to reduce day by day. But one day, I suddenly had this uncontrollable urge to eat junk food. I immediately ordered something. This was it. I couldn’t stop eating and always wanted to eat junk rather than home-cooked food. I once was a person who never used to even look at junk food, but today here I am. 

I suddenly started sleeping ‘too’ much, and also binge eating was a regular habit now. Netflix and binge eating were now soothing activities for me. I think I was eating my emotions, which was taking a toll on my health. I started increasing weight, and I also used to have stomach aches regularly. I felt sluggish and lazy almost all the time. 

There were days I also used to feel nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, and difficulty in making decisions. My mother noticed this was abnormal and figured something was wrong with me. She took me to the doctor the very next day. Upon hearing my symptoms, he told me that I was suffering from depression and I was stress-eating, which needed to be stopped immediately. I used to eat food to comfort myself. The doctors gave me the medicines, and I came back home. But the medicines were not as effective as they should have been. I anyhow completed the course, but still, there were no changes. 

My mother then suggested an Ayurvedic hospital to me. We went to Karma Ayurveda. We have heard that it is one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals. The doctors there are well-experienced and humane. We took the appointment from the doctor and went to meet on the set date. After hearing the symptoms, he simply said that I was suffering from Situational depression. He also said there might be something else, but first, we will cure depression. 

I started taking the medications, and I noticed changes in my body and in my mood too. I obviously still missed my best friend a lot. I mean, how could I ever forget him, I don’t know what changed, but it was not the same. I knew the medications were working. Once this course was completed, we went to the doctor again and told him the changes I had felt after starting the treatment. 

I went to the lab and got the tests done as asked. He suspected it to be heart disease, but we all wished otherwise. The results came, and we took the reports to the doctor. He told me that I had a weak heart and I was suffering from Coronary Artery Disease. This is a common blood vessel disease. I was a little shocked to hear this. I have been a very active person since my childhood. Exercise, jogging, yoga, and meditation were my daily things. Being this active and still having a heart disease was not digestible at all. I asked him about what could be the reasons, he told me it could be anything. But in my case, it was not eating or sleeping correctly for the last year. I was also unable to work out and had a lot of extra pounds in my body. This resulted in the accumulation of toxins, and my stamina was very low. 

The doctors started my treatment and told me to follow a healthy lifestyle like I used to do before. I was also asked to consume healthy and well-balanced meals. Following a healthy lifestyle is crucial to keep yourself healthy and disease-free. I followed each and everything religiously and was able to see the difference myself. 

There was no chest pain or any other pain of any sort, no shortness of breath, pain, or numbness in the body. I was asked to follow the course for 1 month and then visit the doc with my CT Coronary Angiogram reports. I did precisely what I was asked and went to the doctor with the reports. This time I was thrilled as my reports came out to be regular. My depression and my heart disease were cured entirely, and there were no complications with my health anymore. I was a medically fit person. karma ayurveda hospital review.

Even after getting cured, I kept following a healthy lifestyle and kept improving my health a lil more every time. This is all thanks to Karma Ayurveda. If it hadn’t been for the doctors at Karma Ayurveda and my mother and father, I would have never recovered from the trauma. 

Karma Ayurveda should be your apt choice if you are also looking for treatment. ‘This or nothing’ should be your ultimate motto. 

Also Read : Patient Journey: Overcoming Kidney Problems with Ayurveda at Karma Ayurveda


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